US History 1820 to 1829 Chronology

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Feb 06US population announced at 9,638,453 (1,771,656 blacks (18.4%)).Ref: 5
Mar 03Missouri Compromise passes, allowing slavery in Missouri.Ref: 5
Mar 06The Missouri Compromise is enacted by Congress and signed by President James Monroe, providing for the admission of Missouri into the Union as a slave state, but prohibits slavery in the rest of the northern Louisiana Purchase territory.Ref: 2
Mar 09Congress passes the Land Act, paving the way for westward expansion.Ref: 2
Mar 15(new state) Maine is admitted as the 23rd state.Ref: 70
Sep 04Czar Alexander declares that Russian influence in North America extends as far south as Oregon and closes Alaskan waters to foreigners.Ref: 2
Dec 20Missouri puts a $1.00 tax on all bachelors between the ages of 21 and 50.Ref: 3
Jan 06Indianapolis is designated at the capital of Indiana.Ref: 17
Jul 17Spain ceded Florida to the United States. (XDG, p 4A, 7/17/2003)Ref: 83
Aug 04The Saturday Evening Post was published as a weekly for the first time.Ref: 4
Aug 10(new state) Missouri or ‘muddy water’ was the name of the river and the Indian tribe that lived in the area ... long before Missouri became the 24th state of the USA on this day. Missouri, the gateway to the West, calls the hawthorn its state flower and the bluebird, its state bird. St. Louis (1820) and St. Charles (1821-1826) were both capital cities of Missouri before Jefferson City. Missouri is also known as the Show Me State. In 1899, Missouri Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver said, “...frothy eloquence neither convinces nor satisfies me. I am from Missouri. You have got to show me.” The phrase stuck.Ref: 4
Jan 07Liberia colonized by Americans.Ref: 5
Feb 09American Indian Society organizes.Ref: 5
Feb 23Boston was granted a charter to incorporate as a city.Ref: 5
Mar 19Boston MA incorporated as a city.Ref: 5
Mar 30Congress combined East & West Florida into Florida TerritoryRef: 5
May 01John Phillips becomes the first mayor of Boston.Ref: 5
Jun 18Part of US-Canadian boundary determined.Ref: 5
Jan 27President Monroe appoints first US ambassadors to South America.Ref: 5
May 10First steamboat to navigate the Mississippi River arrives at Fort Snelling.Ref: 5
Nov 27President Monroe appoints first US ambassadors to South America.Ref: 5
Dec 02President James Monroe proclaims the principles known as the Monroe Doctrine, "that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintained, are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by European powers."Ref: 2
Dec 19Georgia passes first US state birth registration law.Ref: 5
Mar 02Interstate commerce comes under federal control.Ref: 5
Mar 11The U.S. War Department creates the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Seneca Indian Ely Parker becomes the first Indian to lead the Bureau.Ref: 2
Mar 29Society for the Rehabilitation of Juvenile Delinquents founded in N.Y.;1st reformatory opens.Ref: 10
Apr 17Russia abandons all North American claims south of 54º 40' N, Russia gets the Alaskan territory north of 54º40'.Ref: 5
May 26Brazil is recognized by US.Ref: 5
Oct 03U.S. signs first treaty with South American Country-Republic of Colombia.Ref: 10
Jan 03Scottish factory owner Robert Owen buys 30,000 acres in Indiana as site for New Harmony utopian community.Ref: 5
Jan 27Congress approves Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma), clearing the way for forced relocation of the Eastern Indians on the "Trail of Tears."Ref: 2
Feb 12Creek Indian treaty signed; Tribal chiefs agree to turn over all their land in Georgia to the government & migrate west by Sept 1, 1826.Ref: 5
May 11The American Tract Society, the first national tract league in America, was formed in NY City by the merger of 50 smaller societies.Ref: 5
Oct 09The first Norwegian immigrants to America arrive on the sloop Restaurationen.Ref: 2
Oct 26The Erie Canal, a 363-mile-long inland waterway connecting Lake Erie to New York City by way of the Hudson River, opens to boat traffic.Ref: 39
Dec 26Erie Canal opens.Ref: 5
Feb 13The American Temperance Society (later renamed the American Temperance Union) was organized in Boston. It quickly grew into a national crusade, and within a decade over 8,000 similar groups had been formed, boasting a total of 1.5 million members.Ref: 5
Sep 03USS Vincennes leaves NY to become 1st warship to circumnavigate globe.Ref: 5
Feb 27The first Mardi-Gras celebration is held in New Orleans.Ref: 2
Apr 02Joseph Dixon begins manufacturing lead pencils.Ref: 5
Apr 21Noah Webster publishes the first American dictionary.Ref: 5
May 13US passes Tariff of Abominations.Ref: 5
Dec 19South Carolina declares the right of states to nullify federal laws.Ref: 5
Jul 04Cornerstone laid for first US mint (Chestnut & Juniper St, Phila).Ref: 5
Oct 16The Tremont Hotel opened in Boston. It was called the first modern hotel in America. Each of the Tremont's luxurious 170 rooms went for $2 a day and included four meals!Ref: 4
Oct 17Delaware River & Chesapeake Bay Canal formally opened.Ref: 5
Last Update: October 27th, 2005
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